The fact that he didn’t manage to complete the trip is a bit disappointing but this is still an amazing achievement by distance in itself.
There’s more too, Tom Ford stated that he did not use the air conditioning but he also didn’t do a completely economical run using techniques such as coasting, or driving deliberately slowly for the trip. The trip was covered in yesterday’s Sunday Times newspaper.
BMW can be proud and owners of the E90 320d who must have known the car was capable of such range. Biggest reason for the good news is that the car achieved figures of 75.9 mpg UK (63.2 mpg US or 3.7lt/100km), and never went below 65 mpg UK (54.1 mpg US or 4.4 lt/100km) for the entire trip. The overall figures for Tom Ford and the BMW 320d come in at an average speed of 59.3mph (95.4km/h) and 68.9mpg UK (57.4 mpg US or 4.1 lt/100km).
All things considered, if you’re a bit less careful you should be able to achieve at least 700-800 miles on one tank which would easily cover a medium sized commute for a month on a single tank.
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